Pursued: Stories of the Relentless Love of God
Through the lens of Mary Magdalene, Lola Moore Johnston introduces Jesus as the One who pursues you as a suitor pursues his beloved. No matter how far you may have fallen, your heavenly Pursuer relentlessly proves that nothing you can do will make God love you less. His love for you is never-ending. Through the six lessons Pastor Lola challenges women to discover for themselves the healing and transforming power of our divine Pursuer. Study Guide/Leader’s Guide, book, and DVD.
Surprised by Love
From Genesis to Revelation Elizabeth Viera Talbot beautifully unfolds the plan of salvation with an emphasis on God’s unconditional love for women. Learn about His surprising love, faithfulness, grace, and His surprising plan for your life. Leader’s Guide, Study Guide, and DVD containing 10 lessons. Also available in Spanish (Sorprendidos por Amor).
Journey of Joy: Healthy Emotions and Holy Hearts
Through familiar Bible stories Carla Gober Park illustrates how the Bible has answers to the issues that perplex 21st century women. You will laugh and cry as Carla teaches you new ways to study Scripture in the 10 studies plus an introductory study. Leader’s Guide with DVD, and Study Guide.