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Women's Ministries 
Emphasis Day & Offering

June 8, 2024

Women's Ministries Emphasis Day is an annual event on the church's Calendar of Days and Events. The Women's Ministries leader should meet with their pastor at least six months prior to this day to discuss special plans for this Sabbath. This is an opportunity to plan a full day of activities including Sabbath School, the worship service, a fellowship dinner, and perhaps an afternoon program. The leader may also want to use this time to honor women in the congregation who have done something unusual or outstanding.

*If the second Sabbath in June is not a convenient date for your church to observe Women's Emphasis Day, please work with your pastor to find another date.




PowerPoint for Sermon


PowerPoint for Seminar






In sharing the offering with the participating conferences and unions, it is the intention of the NAD Women’s Ministries Department to provide funds for conference and union Women’s Ministries departments to enable them to plan and conduct ministry activities and events.

 The annual NAD Women’s Ministries Offering shall be distributed and used according to the following guidelines:


1. The NAD Women’s Ministries Offering shall be distributed:

40% Conference
30% Union
30% Division
2. The offering shall be used by the Women’s Ministries Department in the conference, union, or division and restricted to:
            a.  Evangelistic outreach sponsored by the Women’s Ministries Department
             b.  Leadership training for women
            c.  Other projects as directed by the Women’s Ministries Department

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